This video is from YouTube and talks about how to turn a group of strangers into a team. The author of the video goes through 3 main ideal which is teamwork on the fly, 24/7 fast-paced global operations, and situational humility.

This video is about Business school professor Amy Edmondson sharing how to build a great “team”. where people come together quickly (and often temporarily) to solve new, urgent, or unusual problems. And professor Amy Edmondson brought a very good example about an incredible rescue of 33 miners trapped half a mile underground in Chile in 2010. In this great rescue, the biggest reason people survived was situational humility. And in the team, respect and trust your teammates, stay humble, and don’t start being arrogant just because you think you know, because it’s hard to learn if you already know. Also, remember “It’s awfully hard to team if you inadvertently see others as competitors.”

After watching this video, I believe that for a great team, it is important to maintain humility and show mutual respect and understanding, because only in this way our team can become stronger. At the beginning of the establishment of a group, each of us is a stranger to the other, but a humble attitude and mutual understanding and respect can help each member to let go of their inner prejudices and help everyone in need. In this case, The next team that works together to achieve a common vision is born.

This video asks students to interact with each other not as competitors but as friends who help each other with patience and kindness. I believe students can respond to this video by taking notes or adding time to the group activity. After watching this video, students should be able to treat each member of the team with the greatest kindness which gonna improves the efficiency of teamwork. I believe this video can change many students’ attitudes toward team members and help students become successful team members.

YouTube. (2018, June 14). How to turn a group of strangers into a team | Amy Edmondson. YouTube.