Month: June 2023

Inquiry-based learning

I am a person who likes to criticize philosophy, so my preferred topics are constructivism and inquiry-based learning. And Inquiry-based learning is a type of active learning that encourages students to ask questions, conduct research, and explore new ideas. In short, that is the unity of knowledge and action. Usually, inquiry-based learning emphasizes students’ active participation and critical thinking. Thinking. For example, Inquiry-based learning usually takes place in an open-ended teaching environment where the students themselves are at the center of the learning, actively exploring and researching their concerns. During the process, students will discover many problems by themselves, and stimulate their curiosity and thirst for knowledge. As a result, many students will cooperate to find answers to the questions. In this process, the most important thing is to find problems and solve them. the process of. Finally, learners will use critical thinking to draw conclusions and share them with others. Inquiry learning usually follows a structured process, usually including five steps, Questioning, Investigation, Collaboration, Reflection, and Presentation.

Does or does IBL not align with the topic our group chose?

The topic chosen by our pod is how to succeed in online courses. I think Inquiry-based learning is very suitable for online education. Because success in online education satisfies the three main ideals of Inquiry-based learning. The first one is that if one wants to succeed in online education, one must learn to discover problems by oneself. This step is the same as the questioning in the five steps of inquiry-based learning. The second part is the same as Collaboration and Investigation in the five steps of inquiry-based learning and group work in online learning. It is hoped that students can learn the ability of autonomous learning. The Reflection and Presentation in inquiry-based learning is to connect to online education after students discover problems by themselves, and then use critical thinking to summarize the wishes of this learning experience for themselves after showing the details of their own thinking and investigation process.

Wolpert-Gawron, H. (2016, August 11). What the heck is inquiry-based learning?. Edutopia.

Welcome and Introduction

Hello everyone, my name is Zhongbao Ji, of course, you can also call me Tim, I am very glad that you can come to my blog. I’m a 3rd economics student at UVic, and I’m Chinese from Shanghai. My usual hobbies are reading, debating and playing some video games, it was a pleasure meeting you all!

BLOG # 1

Learning Theories

In the article about learning theory, the author mainly introduces three major theories, they are Behaviourists work, Cognitivists work, and Constructivists. In detial, Behaviourists work focuses on strengthening learners’ habits. Constructivists believe that they should make their own meaning and interpretation based on their own experiences and interactions, while Cognitivists work focuses on cooperating with others to discover the best learning strategies. By the way, Immanuel Kant who is a German philosopher, also introduced concepts similar to the three theories in Kant’s The Three Critiques. For example, Kant’s “The Critique of Practical Reason” tells people a concept similar to Behaviorists work which is that people need continuous reinforcement and feedback to cultivate learners’ habits when they are learning. One of the core points of Kant’s “The Critique of Judgment”, is that people need to make their own thinking and interpretation based on personal experience and interaction in life, so as to find the meaning of their own life. To be honest, these three concepts are very simple to me now, maybe because I have learned similar concepts in other philosophy and psychology courses. However, when I first came into contact with these concepts, I felt constructivism is very abstract and difficult to understand. For the three major theories, I think each has its own rationale, but as a critical thinker, I think Behaviorism has more limitations than the remaining two. Simply put, I believe that behaviourism cannot Explain individual differences in human learning, variations in learning styles, and the influence of personality on learning. (But in many cases, if learners just want to get a high score in the exam, Behaviorism is the most effective) For example, I am a student who is poor in mathematics, but my major is economics which means I often face all kinds of mathematical formulas, economics has a compulsory course in mathematics. Although I did not understand those mathematical concepts very well, I still got a good grade by doing a lot of questions and repeating the familiar exam content. My best learning experience is reading under the shade of a big tree in the warm sunlight, with a gentle breeze blowing by my side, while my dog is lying at my feet and snoring regularly. At this time, I am extremely eager to stop at this moment forever. I think constructivism is the best teaching method for me because I care more about what my students can learn from my class and how it will affect their future life than the marks he gets in the exam. The influence of human beings, so people can find their own free will and the meaning of life.

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